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Office of Victim Services and Justice Grants

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Address Confidentiality Program

The District’s Address Confidentiality Program (ACP), administered by the Office of Victim Services and Justice Grants (OVSJG), provides a legal substitute address for eligible DC residents to maintain the confidentiality of her or his actual address. This program helps residents who fear for their safety by shielding their street address from public records, providing one tool in an individual’s broader safety plan.


How Does the ACP Work?
Substitute Address 
Applicants who qualify receive an ACP authorization card with a substitute address. This card will be provided by the participant to any District agency in place of their real home, work, or school address. District agencies are required by law to accept the substitute address.  

Mail Forwarding 
The ACP will receive all participant first-class, certified, or registered mail and reroutes the mail to the participant’s physical address. 

A substitute address does not guarantee a participant’s actual address will not be required by other non-government agencies. This program does not assist with redacting public personal information. Additionally, the ACP does not forward junk mail, packages, or magazines; an advocate or application assistant can help applicants plan for safely receiving that mail. Other limitations may also apply.

Who Is It For?
An individual may qualify for the ACP if they: 
(1) Fear for their safety; 
(2) Currently (or will soon) reside in the District of Columbia; AND 
(3) Have experienced domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, or human trafficking; OR are employed by an organization whose primary purpose is serving victims who have experienced the above offenses; OR are employed by an organization that focuses on reproductive healthcare. 

Applicants are also required to: have moved within the past 60 days, be planning to move within the next 30 days, or have taken adequate measures to ensure their current address is not easily accessible online or through public records. Both adults and children may qualify.

How to Apply
Application assistants are available in several agencies across the District to answer questions, verify eligibility, and accept applications. They also can provide advocacy services and help develop a comprehensive safety plan based on individual needs. 

To learn more about the ACP or submit an application, reach out to an application assistant on the list below.

Application Assistant List

What You Need to Know When You are Meeting with an Application Assistant
Guide for Applicants
Guide for Applicants (Spanish)

If you wish to have one on one technical assistance, please email to ask any questions you have or to request a personalized training. 
If you work in DC but reside in a different state, check out the programs in MD and VA

Fiscal Year 2024 Annual Report
Fiscal Year 2023 Annual Report
Fiscal Year 2022 Annual Report
Fiscal Year 2021 Annual Report

Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Report

Outreach Materials:
ACP Program Flyer 
ACP Program Flyer (Spanish)

Translated Materials:
Programa de confidencialidad de domicilio
የአድራሻ ሚስጥራዊነት ፕሮግራም
Programme de confidentialité des adresses
주소 기밀 보장 프로그램
Chương Trình Bảo Mật Địa Chỉ


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