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Office of Victim Services and Justice Grants

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Training and Technical Assistance

Planning for Sustainability, Diversifying Funding, and Writing Complex Grants (Part 1, Part 2)- This webinar series was hosted by the Office for Victims of Crime Training and Technical Assistance Center (OVC TTAC)
Victim serving organizations often struggle with fluctuating funding sources and levels of support. The first session in this series explores two critical domains of sustainability planning—effective resource and partnership development—and helps participants apply strategies that build strong support for their programs, potentially leading to new funding opportunities. Participants create a diversified funding plan framework, which includes new approaches for expanding a potential donor/funder pool. The second session in this series explores the essential ingredients of complex grant applications: compelling statements of need, detailed budget justifications aligned with project goals and objectives, and quality outcome measures. Implementing these plans and using these tools will improve the odds of success in finding strategic and sustainable funding.

The Office of Victims of Crime (OVC) Vicarious Trauma Toolkit (PowerPoint Presentation)- This webinar, presented by the Office of Victims of Crime Training and Technical Assistance Center (OVC TTAC), describes how OVC’s Vicarious Trauma Toolkit (VTT) can assist agency directors and managers interested in shifting organizational culture to help mitigate the impact of vicarious trauma and promote resilience. Agency leaders can use this training to begin a conversation about organizational response to vicarious trauma using the process outlined in the VTT “Blueprint for a Vicarious Trauma-Informed Organization.”

Indicators and Healthy Coping Strategies for Compassion Fatigue and Vicarious Trauma  (PowerPoint Presentation)- This webinar, presented by OVC TTAC, helps participants identify the early signs of vicarious trauma and compassion fatigue and learn tools and methods to strengthen personal resiliency through positive coping strategies.

Language Access Act Compliance Training- This webinar provides participants with an overview of the District's Language Access Act and guidance for grantees on how to report data in Zoomgrants to OVSJG. The OVSJG ZoomGrants Reporting Guide can be found here. For more Language Access resources please visit the Office of Human Rights website at   Slidedeck.

Building a Budget Webinar (Powerpoint Presentation)- The budget and budget narrative are significant elements of an application for funding from OVSJG. If you are considering applying for funding from OVSJG, you are strongly encouraged to view this webinar prior to submitting your budget. In this webinar, you will learn about the three elements of the budget framework, the specific categories to be included in a budget proposal, and where you can access additional resources.

Beyond the Basics: Collecting and Utilizing Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Data Webinar Recording- This webinar will provide guidance on best practices for collecting sexual orientation and gender identity information from clients. This webinar was recorded using Adobe Connect; you will be prompted to download Adobe Connect to view the webinar. 

DC Victim Academy: Elder Abuse Training Resources - This training will enhance victim service providers' abilities to respond to survivors of abuse in later life. The presentation will cover all types of elder abuse, including physical abuse, sexual abuse, criminal neglect, and financial exploitation. 

DC Victim Academy: Mass Disaster Training Resources - This Academy is designed to prepare victim service providers – legal, mental health, advocacy, outreach, prevention, education…anyone – to serve in a victim services role in the event of a criminally-related mass disaster in the District.  

Privacy and Confidentiality Webinar- This webinar will provide information on best practices for maintaining victim privacy and confidentiality, work with releases of information to benefit victims and navigate crime victim privacy in an interdisciplinary setting. 

Grantees who recieve federal funding administered by OVSJG (i.e., Byrne, Title II, VOCA, VAWA, SASP, Coverdell, RSAT) are required to abide by certain federal civil rights laws as a condition of receiving the grant award. The underlying principle is that that the revenue that people contribute to the federal government cannot be used in a discriminatory manner in federally assisted programs. The following resources will assist federal subgrantees in understanding and complying with the federal civil rights laws. 

U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office for Civil Rights - Training for Grantees   

Federal Civil Rights Compliance Training